Creating and Configuring the Zones

Creating and Configuring the Zones

I expect the virtual switch and the global zone configuration steps already being solved at this point of time. See below:

This means that a virtual switch with the name gbswitch0 already exists.

A bit of planning is required in order to have all data for configure the zone. The following information is needed. The names which I'm going to use in my commands are already entered:

Configuration Information
Information optional Value
zone name mandatory zone1
zones home directory mandatory /zones
zone virtual network interface mandatory vnz1
ip address in private network mandatory
default router for private network mandatory
IP address of DNS server optional  
root password mandatory  
user name, full user name, user password optional  
time zone information optional  

1. Create a Virtual Network Interface for the Zones

The zone will have one interface. The interface will be virtual network interface vnz1 which will be attached to the virtual switch gbswitch0 The following commands will have to be executed in the global zone:

dladm create-vnic -l gbswitch0 vnz1

2. Declare the Zone

The commands below will configure a zone with the name zone1 and a network interface vnz1

$ zonecfg -z zone1 "create; set zonepath=/zones/zone1;set ip-type=exclusive; commit"
$ zoneadm -z zone1 install $ zonecfg -z zone1 "add net; set physical=vnz1;end"

3. Boot and Configure the Zone

The zone is now ready to be booted:

zoneadm -z zone1 boot

The zone is now running. The network configuration isn't complete and it takes a login through the zones console with a sys-config dialog. Enter

$ zlogin -C zone1

This will lead you into a sysconfig dialog. Choose a manual network configuration and provide the remaining information from the table above and configure the IP address and the default router. The configuration of name services and NIS is optional.

The zone should be ready for usage after these steps.

The zone is

  • ready for additional software installation
  • the zone can reach any other zone in the private virtual network
  • the zone can reach out to the intranet when needed through the NAT services of the global zone

 The zone is otherwise private for the outside intranet.

Repeat the same steps for a second zone and you end up with a private virtual network with multiple zones.


4. Scripts

4.1 Zone Configuration and installation



echo "** create VNIC $MyZoneNic in global zone"
dladm create-vnic -l $MySwitch $MyZoneNic
echo "** starting creation of zone: $MyZone"

# Configure and install the zone zonecfg -z $MyZone "create; set zonepath=/zones/$MyZone;set ip-type=exclusive; com
zoneadm -z $MyZone verify
zoneadm -z $MyZone install
zonecfg -z $MyZone "add net; set physical=$MyZoneNic;end"
echo "** Booting zone $MyZone "
zoneadm -z $MyZone boot
echo "** sleep for 30 seconds and hope for the zone to come for post config "
sleep 30
zoneadm list -v

Kick off the sys-config by logging into the zlogin

 $ zlogin -C zone1

4.2 Deletion of the Zone

This script is a kind of brutal. It wipes out the entire zone...



zoneadm list -v
zoneadm -z $MyZone halt
zoneadm -z $MyZone uninstall -F
zonecfg -z $MyZone delete -F
zoneadm list -v
dladm show-vnic
dladm delete-vnic $MyZoneNic
dladm show-vnic


Stefan Schneider Mon, 02/18/2013 - 15:32